[iDC] Can DIY education be crowdsourced?

John Bell john at novomancy.org
Wed Sep 7 22:46:49 UTC 2011

I find this to be an interesting approach, and one that gets at the heart of the issue of mentoring vs. broadcasting information.  Would you see an empathy rating as part of or as orthogonal to any kind of metric that measured ability, knowledge, etc.?

- John

On Sep 7, 2011, at 2:26 PM, Chris Lawrence wrote:
> So as to a score I think of an Empathy Rating. How well did they listen, were able to see my perspective, react to it and push my own understanding. If I was browsing an expert list and something like an Empathy Score/Badge was listed I would gravitate towards them for an interaction because I know I would be heard and that we would have a learning conversation.
> If I am teaching/facilitating and I valued and grew my empathy score/badge then I think I would potentially grow my learner/user base which, fore me at least, would be an intrinsic motivator.

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