[iDC] my Introduction for Mobility Shifts : )

kikomayorga kiko at escuelab.org
Sun Jun 26 06:30:40 UTC 2011

hello everyone!

i'm really glad i'm able to introduce myself to all of you together : )
over the years i learnt a lot from many of you, read and talked about your
stuff, etc,, thanks!

Kiko Mayorga, Lima Perú 1979
survivor. born in lima peru, attended a german school here and studied
electrical engineering at the PUCP, done music+maths, shown some interactive
electronics, been granted to be a temporal mitarbeiter at the ZKM in germany
in 2006.... i had to re think a lot... technology and creativity have such
different intersections in Peru compared to the "first world"... decided to
come back to Perú and dive 2years into the local (not very formal)
industrial automation industry, in paralell was doing  workshops and
exhibitions on software/hardware hacking around local technology subjects,
after that,, i'm invited in 2008 to join and co-found what now is the
escuelab.org project....

a mix of a school and a lab - no curriculas, no titles. we've set up a 450m2
space in the centre of lima 2.5 years ago with support of PrinceClaus (NL)
and Aecid (SP), which acts as a mix of cultural centre, school, lab,
researchers hostel, residency, place to visit if you come to Lima and have
to do with technology adaption, appropiation, etc... The subjects we most
deal with are technology in perú in education, interculturality and
citizenship. Keywords for our activities might be: #OLPC, #floss,
#communityradio, #quechua, #experimentaltelevision, #aymara,
#publictransport, #opendata.... The Activity-stream of escuelab can be found
here: www.escuelab.org

I'm very excited to meet you all in October!
see you soon!

Kiko Mayorga
r&d director escuelab.org

a bit on what id like to discuss:
olpc in perú
Peru has bought the most Olpc computers in the world (over 500 000). After
Peru, the next and only big purchaser is Uruguay (400 000). But the
differences in geography, culture, infrastructure and management are huge
between them. (...) While in uruguay they followed the 5 basic olpc
principles (child ownership (1to1), young kids, saturation, connectivity,
free software), the peruvian strategy didn;t include connectivity. Now
almost (?) four years have passed, and there are lots of things to review
from the experience. At escuelab we have been following and supporting
inniciatives around OLPC, over the last 2.5 yrs. and we have found out some
interesting things.... were also actively developing methodologies for
managing the "lack of connectivity", promoting field experiences, working on
to help get the best out of half a million olpc machines...
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