[iDC] jairo moreno - introduction

jairo at sas.upenn.edu jairo at sas.upenn.edu
Sun Jun 26 03:56:47 UTC 2011

hi all,

this is a first for me, so please forgive any breaches in protocol.

my name is jairo moreno and i am an associate professor of music at  
the university of pennsylvania. my interests lie in the production of  
knowledge of the musically sonorous in modernity, broadly understood,  
and in the articulations of aural and lettered practices in the  
reception of latin american music in the u.s. i have co-lead a working  
group at nyu centered in the work of ranciere (2007-09) and will be  
teaching a seminar focused on his aesthetic theory this fall at penn.

for the summit, i will lead a one-session seminar on the work and  
thought of jacques ranciere (sorry, no diacritics). given the focus on  
pedagogies, ranciere's work on emancipated learning might be an  
adequate frame to think possibilities and limitations in the  
challenges posed by learning under the 'open' regime of digital media.  
through the central topics of distribution, the politics of  
intelligibility, and the immanently aesthetics (of sense-perception)  
that gather these issues, the later work of ranciere might illuminate  
his earlier pedagogical critique.

i look forward to the meeting and to any conversations that may emerge  
in preparation.

all best wishes,


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