[iDC] Mining the Military-Academic-Industrial Complex in a Poetic-Serious Fashion

Myron Turner mturner at cc.umanitoba.ca
Mon Apr 20 16:56:08 UTC 2009

Like Anna Munster, I was wondering whether this project took in 
countries other than the U.S.  Also, I see that you give primacy of 
place to "Military" but you also speak about corporate interference into 
the university.  At the University of Manitoba, for instance,  the 
administration managed to by-pass faculty approval and hire out certain 
first year arts courses (and potentially 2nd year courses) to a private 
firm over which the faculty has no control.  I was wondering whether you 
are interested in this kind of thing.  And where do we look for the 
results of  your digging?


Myron Turner
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