[iDC] Defending UC

John Sobol soboltalk at gmail.com
Mon Sep 26 19:03:15 UTC 2011

I don't think that sharing or nepotism are human nature. I think they are
the product of a specific human culture rooted in the technology of the
human voice. That is to say that they are both endemic to all oral cultures
whereas they are both marginalized or blatantly excluded from literate
cultures. And they are endemic to oral cultures for very specific
technological reasons. (I wrote about nepotism in a recent blog post here:
http://wp.me/p1OhjG-5Q and gitfting/sharing in another one here:
http://wp.me/p1OhjG-2r) They can also both be found in digital cultures. And
this shared valueset is due to the common dialogical character of both oral
and digital culture. Which exists in contrast to the monological systems and
values that define literate culture, of which universities are a key pillar.

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