[iDC] some thoughts on digital labor and populations

jeremy hunsinger jhuns at vt.edu
Sun Jun 14 12:54:06 UTC 2009

> Jeremy's realism makes sense, save that 'fundamentally the human  
> condition'
> is - I'm sure this is familiar turf - an uncomfortably universalising
> phrase.

Yes, i worry about the universalization possible there, I think that  
though there is more pluralistic particularistic possibilities in the  
idea of a human condition than there is in the generalizng rhetoric of  
the digital play and labor.   So i used it more of as a hand-waving  
covering concept to the set of shared circumstances, narratives, etc.   
Though it is meant to tease out, in time, a position of critique.
> The persistence of the past - not just of memory or nostalgia but of  
> things,
> patterns, habits, atavisms, spiritualities and policy frameworks like
> Westphalia ? the persistenc eof the past is the ground on which we  
> make the
> future. As Adorno says in criticism of Wittgenstein: the world is  
> all that
> is not the case, all that is potential, all that could be but isn't.  
> That is
> the difference between labour and work, and it is work that is the  
> valuable
> rather than play, which has been assimilated into the artificial  
> playworlds
> of corporate culture and the ideology of consumption far more  
> successfully
> than the idea of work as the production of value other than exchange  
> and
> sign.

I agree, I just tend to use different terms, conventions, norms,  
controversies, modalities and trajectories.  Those myriad of things in  
the assemblages projecting lines of flight, etc.  The 'history' the  
generates the 'current'

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