[iDC] Are We Google's Paint? Keywords?

{ brad brace } bbrace at eskimo.com
Thu Jan 22 22:24:36 UTC 2009

perhaps it comes down to keywords as paint...
as media prescribed...
google's ad-keyword program would be interesting to
examine if it were possible...

I have an online project entitled the 'Insatiable
Abstraction Engine' which encompasses tens of thousands of
web-page-titles, web-color schemes, soft-pixel-porn, and
occasionally hackneyed midi-piano...

sample: http://bbrace.net/R/Rabbit-Raffle.html -->

at one point, I noticed that these pages were getting
massive amounts of hits based solely on their page-titles,
so as an experiment I gradually added more and more
google-ad-word banners...

at first with only a few hundred or so ads, I was generating
$30-40 a month, but the more pages I added (or perhaps the
longer the ads were online? -- it's a secret goggle payment
formula apparently), the _less money I made! it finally
became so trivial that I started pulling all the ads off...


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