Sarah Cook e.sarah.cook at googlemail.com
Fri May 11 12:36:31 EDT 2007

sorry for backtracking to an old thread but thought i would let you  
know about an exhibition i am opening tonight in Germany which is a  
kind of playful poke at the web 2.0 hype....
i particularly like tom sherman's little known essay on 'abundance  
and redundance' which talks about unpopular art and amateurism in  
today's context of social softwares... i'll have a read of these  
articles too, and blog about them on the exhibition's online  


We would like to invite you and your friends to visit the upcoming  
exhibition at the Edith Russ Site for Media Art in

Growing up online in the 90s and 00s

12 May - 1 July 2007


In the last decade, the Internet has become one of the most important
tools of the information society and has changed our culture. With the
ever-increasing democratisation of the media, new social communi*ties
based in the global network have emerged, which operate with their own
rules. These new *Social softwares* are the communica*tion tools by
which interaction and collaboration online takes place, yet their use is
regulated more through social conventions than genuine software

Participatory platforms, such as MySpace, YouTube, or Second Life, have
become an important part of the online culture. In order to upload
content on these websites users today do not need specialist technical
knowledge and can more easily play a crucial role in the creation of
networks. The so called *web 2.0* offers a space for private
opinions to be globally shared. New forms of communication arise from
this development - individual, personal styles, which create a new form
of authenticity.

The exhibition MY OWN PRIVATE REALITY demonstrates how artists are
using the web to discuss and engage with social software and the effects
it has in the offline/real world. The net-based works included in the
exhibition deal with online developments of the last ten years and
discuss the new distinctions between private and public, the identity
structuring potential of the Internet and the possibility that today
one*s own private thoughts are so easily made public. The featured
works are not all web-based, but they all reflect the phenomenon of
social communities on the Internet and its widely discussed
democratisation, which seems to go hand in hand with these new uses. MY
OWN PRIVATE REALITY is an interface for the manifold possibilities of
networked thinking and acting.

The works in the exhibition have been selected by Sabine Himmelsbach
and Sarah Cook, whose involvement as co-curator has been supported by
her work with the online resource for curators of new media, CRUMB

Artists in the exhibition:
Cory Arcangel, Jonah Brucker-Cohen / Mike Bennett, Nick Crowe, Exonemo,
Ute Hörner / Mathias Antlfinger, Humanbeans, Miranda July / Harrell
Fletcher, Olia Lialina / Dragan Espenschied, Les Liens Invisibles,
Jillian Mcdonald, Marisa Olson, Tanja Ostojic, Annina Rüst, Thomson &
Craighead, ubermorgen.com / Paolo Cirio / Alessandro Ludovico, Angie

The exhibition is sponsored by Land Niedersachsen and EWE

On 9 May 2007, at 05:20, R Labossiere wrote:

> just came across this, in the context of art, a kind of inverse  
> situation...
> an essay by Shumon Basar entitled The Professional Amateur
> in the book Did Someone Say Participate?
> http://www.didsomeonesayparticipate.com/contents.html
> I'll have to check out Tous Sublimes, referred to by Michel in the  
> Agency thread: can be purchased here, in French only
> http://www.decitre.fr/livres/fiche.aspx?code-produit=9782082102858
> the topic is changing labour markets towards more "casual" work  
> patterns
> a game based on this phenomenon:
> http://www.siswo.uva.nl/tlm/root_files/Transitions%20%20A%20General% 
> 20Presentation%20of%20key%20concept-3.pdf
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