[iDC] (no subject :: is fitting)

John Hopkins jhopkins at neoscenes.net
Sun Dec 23 04:42:13 UTC 2007

Hi MaIian --

beautiful text, not quite sure I understand it, but beautiful at any rate!

>what if we disrupted the equation with value encased in a 
>non-identity?  So for
>example; consumers only gain access to value when they open access for a
>certain number of others?  In this case the reward is for altruism and
>theoretically it could be kept going until everyone has a seat a the 
>table.  In
>this light, IDC seems to be effective even without an explicit political
>One can continue adding criteria like, "in order to access value 
>consumers must
>create access for those of a drastically lower access to value category (for
>example third world)" or "of a drastically excluded category" like 
>prisoners in
>factory prisons, and etc.  The farther afield those with access must range to
>find those they include, the more inclusive the system becomes.

isn't this what a VAT (Value-Added Tax) is about?  Not that I think 
this is a solution, but it seems this is an imposed-from-the-top 
passively-accepted solution which requires external policing, 
surveillance, command-and-control, etc.  Unfortunately, I don't think 
there can be an externally applied solution to the question of 
value(s) -- the site of the transformed set of relations that ethics 
pre-supposes MUST be internal -- the seed might be external, but the 
actualized practice must be rooted internally.  And, yes, indeed, it 
would appear that we are on yet another step-wise precipice in 
techno-social deployments, to what end?  Perhaps the simple and 
continuing step-wise evolution of human social systems in the 
direction that they have been taking for the last 5000 years ... 
simulation of life and wholesale modification of the biosphere... 
we'll see, eh?  This is where histories come in: don't forget...

and Davin:

I'm thinking that the accoutrements of society will never do more 
than suggest possible (divergent & conflicting!!) ethical frameworks. 
And that individual will needs to be left behind as anything more 
than a metric for behavior.  & yes, we all fail, that we are not 
using more life-energies --  on immediate action & action that is in 
the immediate space around us -- that are spent here participating in 
techno-social prescriptions for life...  hmmm, a perplexing irony. 
but we are still alive, there are Others to cross paths with; there 
is possibility for transformation...

solstice reflections...


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